Notice of Annual General Meeting
Paragon Apartments, Melbourne
Image courtesy of Fytogreen
AGIN's Annual General Meeting will be held on 1st of August 2024.

The new organisational structure will come into effect at the AGM and a new Board of Directors will be appointed to replace the existing committee of management. The Board of Directors will be supported by a management team and there will be lots of opportunities for members to volunteer and get involved in the running of the organisations.

Existing members will have an opportunity to complete an EOI to be a Director, with a vote taken at the AGM. EOI forms will be circulated to paid members in July 2024.

Directors posts and voting rights at the AGM are only open to paid members, so make sure you have updated your membership so you can participate.
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SGM News Article
AGIN to change from incorporated association to company limited by guarantee.

In the Special General Meeting (SGM) on Wednesday 29 May 2024, AGIN members voted on a special resolution to transition AGIN from an incorporated association to a company limited by guarantee. The special resolution was carried unanimously, with a quorum of members present.

By moving to a company limited by guarantee, AGIN has more power to operate outside Victoria, where the incorporated association was registered. AGIN will also pursue charity status, which will allow us to apply for different grants and reduce our operating costs.

AGIN will also transition governance structure from the current management committee to a board of directors. At the upcoming AGM there will be an opportunity for members to nominate for and vote on director roles.

For more information on the special resolution, see the minutes attached.
World Green Infrastructure Congress (WGIC) is the leading global event promoting an exchange of knowledge and inspiration between professionals, companies, associations, institutions, public authorities and scientists to discuss nature-based solutions.

Tickets are now on sale and members of AGIN are eligible for the WGIC members rate.
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